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6:51 PM | Author: Shu
She was brought up tough. Tough, like the bark on the hundred-year-old trees that lived through World War I and II. When you were brought up in a home where everyone praised and worshipped your older brother, you tended to end up like a rough-edged saw - unrefined, fighting for your right to have a life.

And then he had to go and die.

Which, when you thought about it, only made everything worse. He was spared the chance of making a complete idiot of himself in later years, and his memory was protected by this impeccable, impenetrable glamour - who could compete with a dead guy?

‘Bloody kids,’ she muttered under her breath, kicking a stone a few feet further. ‘We were bloody kids.’


Her face blackened. She’d always hated her name - it was the same with her brother’s, dammit. What was the difference between Dominick and Dominique ?

‘Yeah, yeah.’

‘Now, why’d you have to stay out here? It’s freezing.’ Her mother motioned at her to come. ‘Now, help me get these groceries into the car, would you? I’m just going run over to Jackson’s for a couple of … uh … for some refreshments.’

Refreshments, her foot; the whole family knew what her mother went there for. She dragged herself to the cart. Sometimes, it was easier freezing in the cold, because at any rate, it was easier than warming herself in the grocery store and wonder if warmth could ever only remain physical.
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